1 Presentation of software SILDIS® = Sound Impact Limitation: Design for Industrialized Solutions (several modules)
The prediction of performances of products and construction systems for noise control engineering often requires an approach whose nature is computationally intensive, making its application difficult for most acoustics practitioners. Several softwares have been developed by ITS human resource in order to make possible such a prediction without any computational effort from users, by the means of PC-tools appropriate for a wide range of industrial engineering purposes.
Regarding the multi-disciplinary scientific and technical background, suitable approaches of all times, able to be included in the general layout of the computation programs, have been selected and encapsulated in easy-to-use Excel based softwares using drop-down menus and providing results in tabular and graphical form (French or English language) with comprehensive input/output data on a unique printable simulation report. Almost all acoustics calculations are performed at single frequencies and displayed per 1/3 and/or 1/1 octave band: global values with respect to a chosen reference spectrum are computed whenever it makes sense.
SILDIS® software publishing and engineering works carried out by ITS using SILDIS® software have been assessed to meet the requirements of standard ISO 9001.
2 Main modules of software SILDIS®
Module 1 prediction of acoustic and aeraulic (aerodynamic) performance of silencers: either dissipative silencers or resonant silencers for an absorbing lining including up to 4 porous media, up to 4 series cloths, up to 4 series perforated protections selected among a library including for each kind of layer more than 20 referenced materials.
The results of the calculations (for cross sections possibly rectangular, square or circular) are comparable with the standardized measurement: see NF EN ISO 7235 Acoustics - Laboratory measurement procedures for ducted silencers and air terminal units- Insertion loss, flow noise and total pressure loss.
- Characteristics
>> Module 1 Terminal 1
>> Module 1 Terminal 2
>> Module 1 Terminal 3
>> Module 1 Terminal 4
- Tutorial Module 1 Terminal 1
Module 1A prediction of acoustic and aeraulic (aerodynamic) performance of silencers with discontinued splitters
The results of the calculations are comparable with the standardized measurement: see NF EN ISO 7235 Acoustics - Laboratory measurement procedures for ducted silencers and air terminal units- Insertion loss, flow noise and total pressure loss.
Module 1B prediction of acoustic and aeraulic (aerodynamic) performance of reactive silencers
The results of the calculations are comparable with the standardized measurement: see NF EN ISO 7235 Acoustics - Laboratory measurement procedures for ducted silencers and air terminal units- Insertion loss, flow noise and total pressure loss.
Module 2 prediction of acoustic performance of plane partitions for an acoustic structure including up to 4 porous media, up to 4 series cloths, up to 4 series perforated protections, up to 4 sets of identical series thin plates with up to 1 complementary rear set of identical series thin plates selected among a library including for each kind of layer more than 20 referenced materials (with an atmospheric back or with an impervious rigid back).
The results of the calculations are comparable with the standardized measurement:
- (in case of an atmospheric back) NF EN ISO 140-3 Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 3: Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of building elements and ISO 717-1 Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation
- (in case of rigid impervious back) NF EN ISO 354 Acoustics – Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room and also ISO 10534-1 Acoustics – Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes – Part 1: Method using standing wave ratio.
Module 3 prediction of acoustic performance of duct walls (in aeraulic systems or pressurized fluids networks)
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 4 prediction of acoustic performance of straight ducts (in duct systems) either with a rectangular cross section, or with a circular cross section (including folded spiral seam ducts)
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 5 prediction of break-out noise: either of straight ducts (with a rectangular cross section, or with a circular cross section - including folded spiral seam ducts) (in duct systems) or of silencers
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 5A prediction of break-out noise of ducts with variable cross-section (in duct systems)
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 6 prediction of acoustic performance of bends and junctions (in duct systems): with a rectangular cross section, or with a circular cross section, or with mixed cross sections)
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 7 prediction of nozzle reflection
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 8 prediction of the sound impact of duct systems including components such as silencers (dissipative or resonant), straight ducts sections, bends with a rectangular cross section, or with a circular cross section, or with mixed cross sections (for some components)
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 8A prediction of stacks directivity
Some of the obtained results are comparable with some input data envisaged in standardized calculation: cf. NF EN ISO 9613-2 Acoustics -- Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors -- Part 2: General method of calculation
Module 8B prediction of atmospheric sound absorption
Some of the obtained results are comparable with some input data envisaged in standardized calculation: cf. NF EN ISO 9613-2 Acoustics -- Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors -- Part 2: General method of calculation
Module 8C prediction of control valves aerodynamic noise
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 8D prediction of jet noise (including safety valves noise)
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 8E prediction of piping systems discharge parameters
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 8F determination of the performance and sizing of safety valves
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 8G simulation of the discharge of a fluid trough a valve vent stack
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 8H prediction of acoustic and aerodynamic performance of vent silencers for pressurized fluids
The obtained results are not comparable with standardized measurement due to the lack of documents formalizing corresponding measurement procedures.
Module 9 prediction of sound decay in enclosed spaces
The obtained results are comparable with standardized measurement NF EN ISO 3382-2 Acoustics -Measurement of room acoustics parameters- Part 2: reverberation time in ordinary rooms.
Module 9A prediction of sound spatial decay in open-plan offices
Some of the obtained results are comparable with standardized measurement NF EN ISO 3382-3 Acoustics -Measurement of room acoustics parameters- Part 3: Open plan offices.
Module 10 prediction of the noise emissions from buildings and other constructions
Some of the obtained results are comparable with standardized measurement NF EN ISO ISO 12354-4 Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 4: Transmission of indoor sound to the outside.
3 Available packs for software SILDIS®
Pack 1-8 = module 1 + module 2 + module 3 + module 4 + module 5 + module 6 + module 7 + module 8
Pack 1A = module 1A
Pack 1B = module 1B
Pack 5A = module 5A
Pack 8A = module 8A
Pack 8B = module 8B
Pack 8CDEFGH = module 8C + module 8D + module 8E + module 8F + module 8G + module 8H
Pack 9 = module 9
Pack 9A = module 9A
Pack 10 = module 10
4 Price list extract for sotware SILDIS® [1] [2] [3] [4]
>Module 1 Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 : 3000 € (= 250 €/month) i.e. 3330 US $ (= 277.50 US $/month) per module ; Terminal 1 + Terminal 2 : 4000 € i.e. 4440 US $
>Module 2 : 3000 € i.e. 3330 US $
>Module 1 (Terminal 1 ou Terminal 2) + Module 2: 4500 € i.e. 4995 US $
[1] Rental of software package SILDIS® with ASP (Application Service Provider ) mode, with unlimited acces, for 1 year (re-subscription with lower price). Cf. General Conditions of use of on-line Software SILDIS® ; cf. General Terms and Conditions of Sale
[2] VAT with a rate of 20 % to be added (where applicable, i.e. only for Clients established in France)
[3] the price which is valid is the one expressed in € (price expressed in US $ is valid, as on december 2019 the 5th, when 1 € = 1.11 US $)
[4] The price for a set of modules is lower than the sum of the prices for each module because some modules have common components: the list of modules is an input for precise pricing
Note: other modules exist for the software SILDIS®, allowing (namely) computations of sound propagation inside buildings, outdoor (including noise barrier sizing), from inside buildings to outside, etc... What follows is related to modules 1 to 9A exclusively (presentation preparation work of other modules in progress).
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The prediction of the acoustic performance of products and construction systems requires software simulations such as those developed by ITS.