ITS participated in the soundproofing of a school catering room (canteen) near Bourg en Bresse, in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region.

Measurements of the reverberation duration (carried out with a noise generator and a sound level meter) had revealed an amplification of sound levels resulting from a lack of sound-absorbing surfaces in the considered premise (coverings such as tiled floors, painted walls, ordinary under-roof generally have a sound absorption coefficient much closer to 0 than to 100%) with time taken for the sound pressure level (characterizing noise) to decrease in a ratio of 1 million to 1 - after interruption of the sound source - close to the limit set by the Order of April 25, 2003 relating to the limitation of noise in educational establishments as an arithmetic average in the octave intervals centered on 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz, considering a catering room of a volume greater than 250 m3.

The consequence was acoustic discomfort:

  • for the children having their meal (each, bothered by the ambient noise and wishing to be heard by their neighbors during conversations, raised their voices which was counterproductive)
  • for service personnel, complaining about their poor working conditions

This situation - which devalued the school catering space (canteen) in question - was remedied by the implementation of reverberation limitation devices combining wall panels and suspended elements with high acoustic sound absorption (as presented in the page Acoustic comfort in buildings).

Being able to be matched in terms of their appearance, and even in terms of their color, such panels can usefully be installed in locations and with quantities which must be the subject of a specific study for each case (in the context of the present project, it was carefully carried out by ITS human resource, very experienced in this field) taking into account the various requirements:

  • the acoustic performance (e.g. considering the frequency, with respect to which the materials do not have uniform behavior in terms of soundproofing, and the more or less significant difference between the quality of the building before soundproofing works and that which is desirable at their end)
  • the possibilities of implementation (considering the nature and blockage of the supports e.g. presence of lighting fixtures, translucent surfaces, furniture and equipment, networks of all kinds)
  • aesthetics (e.g. with regard to existing decorative elements, and with a view to reinforcing the welcoming character of the space considered)
  • hardware supply and installation cost

There is no doubt that the soundproofing of this school dining room (canteen) will quickly regain (as long as the food is up to standard) the attractiveness of which it should never have been deprived!

Acoustic comfort in buildings end faq