When it comes to acoustics, as described here and there, the Module 1 of the simulation software SILDIS® allows the sizing of silencers, for applications on the one hand in the building sector e.g. Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) facilities and on the other hand in the industrial sector e.g. aeraulic for air intake and exhaust of fans, combustion engines, turbomachinery by allowing (from input data relating to geometry, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and taking into account the materials present) the evaluation:

  • of acoustic performance: insertion loss (in dB) and flow noise (self noise) in dB ref. 1pW
  • of aerodynamic performance: total pressure loss (in Pa i.e. in Pascals, which is the unit most commonly used by the profession ?)

For a rectangular silencer the results of the calculations are (since quite a long time) comparable with the standardized measurement: cf. NF EN ISO 7235 Acoustics - Laboratory measurement procedures for ducted silencers and terminal units, and the comparisons made are flattering for the software which is thus useful, in addition to calculations in the context of projects for which soundproofing hardware must be defined on a case-by-case basis, for significant contributions to some R&D work, e.g. when it comes to preparing or optimizing measurements to develop standardized silencers.

Software publishing is (quite long-standing) one of the ITS activities that has been assessed to meet the requirements of standard ISO 9001 incduding for the 2015 version.

So what is new, then, at the start of 2020, in terms of acoustics, for the simulation software SILDIS®, with regard to silencers sizing ?

The answer to this question (in the title of this article) is that the sizing of silencers can now be carried out online, by everyone (or almost), since the corresponding Module of the acoustics calculation software SILDIS® is made available on a remote server, accessible in ASP (Application Service Provider) mode.

  • turnkey for users e.g. technicians, engineers, architects, researchers (all they need is an ordinary PC with an IP address that can be communicated and an Internet connection to use the software online)
  • with optimization of the computing environment by ITS (which takes care of the storage space necessary for the compution code, of the management of licenses for components of IT package architecture, of the resources necessary for sufficiently rapid calculations, of the versions update if necessary)
  • with the possibility of autonomous simulations (without waiting for a human resource available at ITS, whatever the time of day or night, whatever the day of the week, whatever the time of year) and without limit for users (unlimited access during the subscription period to the service)
  • by means of a subscription (to put it simply: annually) with a global and fixed price (everything is included, including initial assistance), which is independent of the frequency of use and of the number of calculations made

In terms of acoustics, since the Module 1 of the simulation software SILDIS® marketed by ITS allows the sizing of silencers online: you may be interested in acquiring calculation means developed in-house at ITS, complementing those you alraeady have, facilitating some steps of the design work in your business, faster, or more precise, or more secure, or offering extended possibilities (or whatever the reason?).

If so, request without delay your test session (20 minutes, remotely accompanied) of Module 1 Terminal 1 of the software SILDIS®: free test for silencers sizing online, without obligation to purchase, subject to the availability of our human resources to prepare and supervise the session in February 2020 : first come, first served (not everyone may be served …).