ITS has own means of acoustic measurements to apprehend the most common and other more complex acoustic situations (on-site). Those means are suitable for noise measurement at a workstation or near a machine, to measure noise emissions in the environment, or for the metrology related to acoustic comfort of premises and buildings (depending on the context: for single frequencies, in 1/3 octave bands or in octave bands, for frequencies from 125 Hz to 4 kHz or in a wider frequential interval).

078 acoustic consultant

ITS omnidirectionnal
noise source

079 noise measurement



ITS omnidirectional noise source, consisting of a dodecahedron, containing a power amplifier and a noise generator (e.g. pink, white) has a sound power level greater than 120 dBLin (e.g. for sound reduction and reverberation time measurements) ; it is used for many acoustic measurements:

  • sound level difference (expressed in decibels) i.e. the difference between the sound pressure level in two spaces (e.g. two adjacent rooms, or a room and the exterior of a building or a construction in an enclosed space)
  • reverberation time (expressed in seconds) i.e. the time required for the existing sound level in a room to decrease by 60 dB when the noise source is instantly interrupted
  • the spatial decay rate slope in decibels of the spatial sound decay curve over a given distance range, when the distance to the noise source doubles

ITS is equipped for the measurements of the sound pressure level per frequency band (real time spectral analysis), allowing the analysis of temporal evolution of acoustic situations, the measurement of the reverberation time of rooms as well as spatial sound decay in rooms and of airborne sound insulation performance between premises or with respect to outside.

ITS sonometer (class 1) namely measures equivalent continuous sound levels Leq, pressure levels Lp (time weightings S, F, I), with the usual frequency weightings (e.g. A) and peak levels Lpk envisaged by the various sound measurements standards applicable depending on the context (e.g. regulatory). Also recording the 1/1 octave and 1/3 octave spectral distributions, it is used for many acoustic measurements:

  • associated with the omnidirectional noise source, for all the metrologies listed above
  • alone, when it comes to measuring a sound pressure level, e.g. to quantify the sound emissions of a machine or a facility, the noise exposure of an employee, the noise annoyance suffered by a neighbor
see the list of measurement means of ITS
  • sonometer class 1 (for the measurement of sound pressure levels: quantity 4 among which 1 allows the measurement of the reverberation time)
  • acoustic pressure calibrator class 2
  • noise generator
  • associated data processing software
end faq


ITS has acoustic measurement means (industry, building): sound level meter, calibrator, noise generator, data processing software.

Verification and calibration are carried out in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard (Quality management systems - Requirements), for which ITS has a periodically renewed certification.