In a factory producing machines, engines on which technical checks are performed (e.g. endurance, requiring a specific test bench) is a very powerful noise source potentially causing sound nuisance for personnel operating in the vicinity as well as for the neighborhood. It is often necessary to use in such cases a very performing soundproofing equipment in order to ensure compliance of the installation on the one hand with respect to the legislation on noise at work and on the other hand with respect to the regulation in terms of environmental protection.

ITS will participate in the soundproofing of 4 test benches for combustion engines with high power output around Mulhouse (Alsace region, France).

Of course, the partitions constituting this soundproofing equipment will prove particularly important sound attenuation, for the envelope (walls, ceiling) as well as for doors and windows allowing a visual inspection of the tests. In addition, the removal of the heat dissipated by the combustion engines will necessitate the implementation of an efficient ventilation system with proper soundproofing device.

For such industrial soundproofing applications, ITS sells specific products and construction systems, with or without iinstallation (in some cases, supervision of acoustic insulation work carried out on site by local assembly teams is possible).

Where necessary, the soundproofing of test benches proposed by ITS may include the implementation of interior linings to obtain free acoustic field conditions (most of the time, but not always: on a reflecting plane) if acoustic measurements are envisaged e.g. for characterizing engine noise emissions or in a research and development (R & D) context.

Modular sound insulation panels can then be suitable building elements, combining the required soundproofing properties:

  • the internal layer (in general: based on mineral wool, but can just as easily be in polyester), with a surfacing (e.g. glass cloth) and with a perforated (mechanical) protection is intended to absorb sound i.e. to prevent sound wave reflections (which then makes it possible to limit the amplification of sound levels inside the test bench)
  • the outer layer (metallic, usually made of steel) is intended to limit the transmission of noise

ITS markets a wide range of such panels, with performances that can comply with the technical specifications of all soundproofing projects for test benches (e.g. engines) against which long experience can be drawn on.

In particular, ITS offers the construction of test benches in accordance with ISO 3745 Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms, not only in the automotive sector, but also in the field of aeronautics, hardware construction, and more generally for all industrial fields for which works of acoustic characterization of noise sources or missions of Research & Development (R&D) in acoustics make sense.

Sound level measurements on site (before and after works), engineering, turnkey realization: ITS can participate in all projects of construction or renovation of soundproofed engine test benches.

Testing rooms acoustics end faq