In a power plant with gas turbines (combustion turbines), some airborne noise is emitted by the various subsets making up each turbomachinery (in addition to noise emissions associated with the mouths for air intake and exhaust not included in the current project, although regularly studied and subject of simulation and design work by ITS as part of other projects in the field of energy production):

  • the turbine compartment i.e. compressors, combustion chamber, turbine
  • the auxiliary compartment- the load compartment
  • the portion of the envelope of the intake duct enclosed
  • the portion of the envelope of the exhaust duct enclosed- related equipments: e.g. gas module, generator

In some cases (for a power plant with a gas turbine operating with a combined cycle), the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is a major noise source (a fortiori if it is large).

This noise is so powerful that it is potentially causing noise pollution for personnel of the operator operating in the vicinity as for the neighborhood (including long distance). It is often necessary to use in such cases a soundproofing equipment of high technology (noise barrier wall) to ensure compliance of the installation of one hand with respect to the legislation on noise at work and on the other hand with respect to the regulation in terms of environmental protection.

ITS will participate in the construction of a large sized noise barrier wall (height approximately 35 m, area approximately 1500 m2) around a heat recovery steam generator in a high capacity gas-fired power plant (more than 510 MW for  for combined cycle with a combustion turbine and a steam turbine, each equipped with its own generator) near Lille (France, Nord-Pas de Calais region, Nord county).

This industrial soundproofing equipment will have a sound reduction particularly important, albeit of lightweight design due to self weight constraints, requiring a specific construction of the partitions, attached to the main structure of the heat recovery steam generator by means of a secondary structure (taking into account the strong wind loads constituting a major aspect of sizing).

The optimization of the cost and of the duration of intervention for assembly in delicate conditions (big height, coactivities, ...) are key factors of success of the efficient soundproofing concept considered for this heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).

Limitation of noise emissions in energy sector end faq