Noise pollution, in the environment of industrial sites in particular, is not inevitable since it can be prevented or combated using dedicated technologies: ITS markets solutions for the prevention and treatment of environmental noise pollution.

Effects of environmental noise pollution

The effects of environmental noise pollution are the disruption of the necessary balance between the natural sound environment and the acoustic emissions related to human activities (i.e.: a degradation of the soundscape).

To prevent this from happening, consideration should be given to the impact, in terms of noise, of installations - e.g. industrial, linked to transport infrastructures, involving Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment - or of construction works:

  • with respect to sound levels, not only in weighted overall levels - in dB(A) - but also in terms of tonal components: (considering an unweighted third-octave spectrum) when the level in a frequency band exceeds by 5 dB or more the average level of the two adjacent frequency bands from 400 Hz to 6300 Hz or by 10 dB that of the two adjacent frequency bands from 63 to 315 Hz
  • with respect to the admissible values ​​for emergence; it is the difference between the A-weighted equivalent continuous pressure levels of the ambient noise (sound source polluting the environment in operation) and the residual noise (in the absence of the noise generated by the sound source polluting the environment, but measured over its operating period) which is legally limited (in France) in regulated emergence zones (ZER), and depending on the context: 5 or 6 dB(A) during the day and 3 or 4 dB(A) during the night

Means of prevention and treatment of environmental noise pollution

The outward transmission of noise emitted by machines in workshops or by various process equipment can be limited by means of buildings with high acoustic performance i.e. for which the envelope (walls and roof) is made of constructive systems with high sound attenuation.

noise pollution and environement

ITS markets solutions for prevention and treatment of environmental noise pollution


For industrial applications involving wall disassembly (which is often the case), modular multi-layer acoustic insulation panels provide this functionality while limiting the amplification of sound levels inside production halls or engine rooms if they are lined on their inner side with an absorbent material.

Such soundproof buildings should have ventilation systems incorporating silencers to prevent the propagation of noise through the openings intended for suction and discharge.

With regard to the noise emitted by auxiliaries installed outdoors - either common such as fans, air coolers, refrigeration units, or more specific such as dust treatment units – all of them also likely to be the source of noise pollution for the environment, soundproofing devices may be considered either “at the source” (enclosures, silencers) or in the form of screens (noise barriers) to protect one or more areas e.g. for which emergence is regulated (AREs).

Regarding the exhausts allowing pressurized gas to be vented and stacks, silencers make it possible again to restrict noise emissions.

ITS defines, selects and markets all the devices for the fight against noise pollution, to protect environment.

Thanks to these hardware, whose performance is covered by a guarantee, the environment of industrial sites is preserved from any annoyance of a nature to disturb the neighborhood.

The experience of the human resource of ITS allows, in all contexts, the best choice of means of combating noise pollution (whether it comes to prevention or to treatment to remedy disorders, taking into account - of course - acoustic imperatives, but also all kinds of requirements e.g. technical, financial, organizational, the consideration of which is necessary for the success of a project intended to prevent or reduce disorders related to the propagation of excessive noise.

To do so, different means can be committed:

  • on-site measurement e.g. sonometric readings
  • predictive acoustics simulations e.g. impact studies based on scenarios for treating noise sources, or modifying sound propagation
  • commercial partnerships e.g. for the construction of soundproofing equipment and the performance of sound insulation works

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