When it comes to noise measurements, in Lyon (France) or elsewhere, ITS offers its services, for interventions in the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region (France) or sometimes well beyond.

ITS services may be related to work in companies, in particular to quantify exposure to noise of workers, which is regulated by a decree (in France): it is then necessary to measure the sound pressure level at workplace (e.g. near noisy machines), unless it is necessary to measure the decay of the sound level by doubling the distance at the source, in relation to the reverberation of premises, if they are insufficiently soundproofed when considering applicable ministerial decree (in France).

In the case of industries, problems of neighborhood annoyance (which must be prevented or treated) sometimes make it necessary to carry out acoustic measurements, to assess the ambient noise level (establishment in operation) and residual noise (establishment stopped) for the determination of the emergence, which is regulated in France (in zones called ZER), in particular for installations (new or modified) subject to authorization. In some cases, it is necessary to characterize by measuring the noise emissions of noise sources incriminated during complaints of residents who consider their legitimate tranquility disturbed.

The construction or renovation of test benches or acoustic measurement rooms e.g. anechoic or reverberation rooms are in different circumstances an opportunity to have to perform noise measurements, particularly in connection with the testing of noisy materials.

Architectural acoustics, i.e. engineering in relation to acoustic comfort and to the fight against noise in buildings, often requires measurements of equipment noise or a specific metrology to characterize the reverberation of living spaces, e.g. restaurants ( at nursery, at school or university, in the workplace, but also in recreational areas), meeting rooms, multipurpose halls, sports halls which must comply, given existing regulation, to specific technical requirements for acoustics, or (if not so), for which there are reference values for their acoustic quality.

In all these situations, ITS can intervene with the appropriate equipment, for noise measurement services certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, in relation to French or international measurement standards.

Of course, the mission of ITS always includes a conclusion about the acoustic quality (in some cases: in terms of compliance) of the installation subject to the measurements (in view of the results obtained).

In addition, if actions to improve the acoustic situation are to be considered, ITS can provide personalized support when making related choices and when implementing them.

For noise measurements, in Lyon (France, Europe) ITS offers services.