In industrial workplaces, the acoustic quality of buildings has an impact on the sound environment, i.e. workers' exposure to noise, for which two performance indicators matter:

  • the reverberation time i.e. the duration (expressed in seconds), required for the sound level existing in a room to decrease by 60 dB when a noise generator (this is an electroacoustic device combined with a sound level meter for on-site measurements) is interrupted
  • the spatial decay rate i.e. the slope (expressed in decibels) of the spatial sound decay curve in a given distance range, when the distance to a noise generator (as described above for metrology) doubles

A reverberation time being too long and/or a spatial sound decay rate being too low results in an amplification of the sound levels in these premises, which is detrimental (whether one uses the angle of the health of the employees - it comes to not making them undergo an auditory trauma - or that of their conditions of accomplishment of the tasks which are evolved to them - even those which should not have particular concentration).

When seeking to reduce the reverberation of a room by using sound-absorbing materials, ITS markets a wide choice of suspended baffles for industrial workplaces for many applications related to soundproofing / building acoustic quality improvement relating to the protection of workers against noise.

Suspended baffles for industrial work premises often participate in the reverberation control required (in France) in application of the decree of August 30, 1990, to limit the reverberation of noise so as not to increase the noise exposure level of employees.

Light enough to be hung on the underside of a roof (e.g. when overhead lighting by means of translucent sections must be preserved), their diemnsions and density (number of units per m2) can be adjusted according to the targeted acoustic performance, which depends on the absorbent properties of the other walls of the building (in particular: the walls) and on the value of sound level decrease when doubling the distance to a sound source to be respected, itself connected to the floor surface, whether it is a room empty of any machine or production facility or whether it is a room after installation of production machinery and equipment.

Predictive acoustics calculations (in some cases: by means of software simulating the tracing of sound rays) are required for the sizing of installations involving such noise reduction devices: the human resource of ITS has extensive experience in this field, for the development of soundproofing solutions (with guaranteed results) contextualized and always optimized depending on contingencies of all kinds, e.g. technical, financial, organizational when ITS offers suspended baffles for industrial work premises for soundproofing (reverberation control), to fight against noise in companies.

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