Room acoustics simulation by ray tracing with ITS

Ray tracing is a method for calculating the path of acoustic waves of which applications are possible for enclosed spaces, industrial or not, in relation to acoustical quality consideration.

Input data for such computations are obviously the geometry of the considered space and the distribution of absorbing surfaces for which material quantity, sound absorption coefficient (and sometimes scattering coefficient) one should account, being either floor or walls or roof (whatever its shape is), or...

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Sizing of reactive silencers with non-perforated tubes with the simulation software SILDIS®

Sizing of reactive silencers with non-perforated tubes is a subject that acousticians are far from having covered.

The approach for the prediction of acoustic and aerodynamic performance of reactive silencers, involving the consideration of various input data (e.g. thermodynamic parameters, noise reduction criteria, back pressure criteria, size of the soundproofing device), is computationally intensive, what is a serious obstacle for the design of tailor made solutions in a short period of...

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Integration of the prediction of piping systems discharge parameters to the simulation software SILDIS®

The prediction of piping systems discharge parameters is a necessity for the expert in industrial acoustics.

The sizing of silencers for industrial fluids networks, whether or not involving the noise prediction of specific equipment e.g. control valves [1], safety valves [2] requires having, as available input data, indicators such as the status (choked or non-choked) of the discharge line end, the pressure at discharge line end or the discharge capacity (the flow rate) of fluid of which...

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