Oil and gas : soundproofing with ITS

Refining, natural gas liquefaction and power generation for oil and gas industry often involve combustion turbines with an output above 40 MW.

In such cases, the combustion turbine itself, a gas fuel module and a water injection module are powerful noise sources of which the impact must be limited to protect workers in the power plant and neighbors as well.

Noise barriers walls and sound enclosures (both: with a steel structure able to withstand high loads due to wind and snow and seismic...

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Mufflers for high temperature fluid

Industrial heat engines require the use of mufflers for high-temperature fluid, since their exhaust, which typically exceeds 425 degrees C and can reach 550 degrees C, is a noise source that must be treated to prevent sound pollution in the environment.

For such applications, reactive mufflers or silencers (i.e. devices whose principle is based on the reflection of acoustic waves in relation to changes in the internal geometry of the ducts, perforated or not, guiding the flow) are often...

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Soundproofing is an integral component of the quality of an industrial installation and its compliance with applicable regulations, which - among other things - regulate noise emissions, often distinguishing the daytime period and the nighttime period, when it comes to preserving the environment.

To prevent noise nuisance with respect to the neighborhood, acceptable values ​​for emergence are set, in particular for Establishments Classified for Environmental Protection. (ECEP). This is the...

Read more: Soundproofing